
Location: United States

I'm located in Chattanooga, Tennessee. I serve small businesses and families, practicing Tennessee and Georgia law.

Monday, March 26, 2007

I had a job interview once where they asked me a question that really caught me off guard.
I hem-hawed around and gave an answer but I thought what a silly question.
Afterwards, I thought and thaught and only recently came up with an answer to the question. The question is this:
What makes you tick

Here's my answer:
What makes me tick is that God uses me to advance His Kingdom.
I recently went to Africa and saw little boys wearing less than rags being taught to beg, people who'd walk for days to get to the hospital missing an eye or with a huge tumor, people worshipping piles of mud. Having grown up in church, I know there's a better way. You just can't see all of this and sit on the sidelines. I've got to do something, I've got to make a difference. But I do, so often, just sit on the sidelines and do nothing! Why?
There's a big problem:
How often do we tell ourselves I'm going to do something just as soon as I: have some money; get my affairs straightened out; fix broken relationships.
The problem is those things often never happen. And once one issue in our lives is addressed, another one takes it's place.
Consequently, we never do those things we hope to accomplish.
Matthew 6:24-30 - Jesus tells the people not to worry about what they eat or wear. What do we worry about today? A recent survey said this:
1. Own health, 2. Lack of time for family, 3. Children's problems, 4. Job related stress, etc.

But these are important things so why not worry? What did Jesus care if we worried a little about important things?
Matthew 6:31-33 - because when we worry about these things, we neglect the Kingdom of God and His righteousness. Even the pagans worry about safety and security but we have higher purposes.
I think that this is an example of the conflict that really rages within us between that desire to be a hero and the desire to be safe and secure
Perfect example:
When you go on a big date, I get so nervous. And it's happened before, my mind just goes blank. Well I know a biologist and I asked, what possible purpose could this nervousness serve when I'm trying to impress someone and be cool and smooth. My biologist friend told me, that we all have this fight or flight mechanism in us. When we get nervous like that, our body is devoting all it's energy to put our physical parts on notice to flee - and our mind is left without any energy. But the thing is, I didn't want to flee! I want to sweep the girl off her feet and all that.
That's it isn't it? We want to be secure, yet we want that that girl or guy. Same with job interviews or speaking in front of people. We have to overcome that fear that's put into us for a good purpose - to protect us.
In the passage, Jesus says that God will be faithful that if we pursue His Kingdom, that He'll take care of the rest. Sometimes I do something right. Last year, I knew that God would have me go to Africa. Yet I had all these things telling me to wait for a better time. I had to quit my job, get someone to take care of my affairs, take care of my house, raise money, etc. But I went, and was blessed and am forever changed. And God took care of the rest! Just like he said!
I'll put my money where my mouth is.
I've given to a Christian charity for years now called Compassion Intl. I've visited their projects in Ecuador and Haiti and in Burkina Faso. They sent me a opportunity to put a child raised in poverty that had proven himself through college and I'm going to do that. It's several hundred dollars a month which is a lot since I don't have a job but I know that I've been blessed with a modest lifestyle and opportunities always seem to present themselves. And so I thought, I can't keep waiting for deals to go through or some super job before I increase my giving. I hope to goodness I don't sound like I'm bragging because I'm nothing. After all, I don't have a job, or a wife, I drive a Taurus. But I couldn't stand here and speak on this topic without at least attempting to put my money where my mouth is.
So here's the challenge: ask yourself these four questions:
1. What makes you tick?
2. What are you doing to advance the Kingdom of God?
3. What is holding you back?
4. What are you going to do about it?